11 Lessons the Hard Way: Setting up EFT and DED for Banking - DynamicsCon

11 Lessons the Hard Way: Setting up EFT and DED for Banking


Kerry Peters

Kerry Peters

Premiering Content Veteran DynamicsCon Presenter Microsoft MVP

Session Description

Banking is one of the hottest process improvements on every Controller’s list right now, but it’s incredibly difficult to set up on your own. If you think all the kinks have been sorted out and it’s pretty easy to set up, guess again. We’ll save you a ton of time and frustration as we’ll share 11 lessons learned related to master data setup, data exchange definitions, generating EFT files, and more. You’ll receive tips and insights that cannot be found in any documentation or posts. You’ll be eliminating your manual processes and throwing away paper before you know it!

Session Track: Business Central
Session Type: Functional
Content Level: Intermediate
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