5 Ways to use the Data in Dynamics CE for Marketing - DynamicsCon

5 Ways to use the Data in Dynamics CE for Marketing


David Cacioppo

David Cacioppo

Veteran DynamicsCon Presenter

Session Description

We all have it, but we don’t all use it. Data that is.

Is your data just sitting there waiting to be used? Is there more you could be doing with your data? Are you using it to its fullest potential?

If you have asked yourself any of these questions, then this is the session for you! Whether it’s through more personalization or trying to reengage old leads, marketers have the ability to take advantage of what’s in CRM.

Join us as we dive into 5 ways marketers can use the data in CRM to help move prospects down the funnel.

Session Track: Customer Engagement
Session Type: Functional
Session Category: AP/AR Automation
Content Level: Beginner
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